Join fun, athletic Mensans like you at a tropical beach resort for your next vacation. If you enjoy sailing, windsurfing, tennis, flying trapeze, kayaking, and socializing with Mensans from around the world, you will not want to miss this.

Club Med no longer does roommate matching, so contact your SIG coordinator.

Meet the Mensa group the evening you arrive at 7:30pm in front of the main restaurant for dinner. Wear your secret Mensa pin!


Why Club Med ?
Club Med was originally designed for young, active singles. It is still the best resort for solo vacationers (including married vacationers) who enjoy meeting lots of people from around the world. At meals, diners are seated in groups of seven plus a G.O. who introduces everyone. If you want to practice your Spanish or French, ask for a Spanish or French table. Group sports lessons provide another great way to meet new friends. No resort is more social than Club Med and there is no need to bring someone to chaperone you. Best of all, all lessons, sports equipment, and meals are included in one (reasonable) price.
How will I know who the other Mensans are ?
If your intelligence is not self-evident, wear your Mensa-logo clothing. We'll gather just before dinner at 7:30 PM in front of the main restaurant so that we can be seated together. Your SIG coordinator is a tall, slender brunette wearing a miniskirt and Mensa pin. During the day we usually hang out at the waterski dock in the morning. In the afternoon we head to the beach for windsurfing, snorkeling, sailing, and relaxing.
May I bring a friend who is not in Mensa ?
Yes, so long as you are a current or former member yourself.
I'm over 40. Am I too old for Club Med ?
All ages are welcome, although some Club Meds do not have special programs for children.
What about SCUBA ?
SCUBA dive trips are offered at an additional charge ($45 or more, depending on the dive). You can also make arrangements with a dive shop independent from Club Med.
I've never been abroad and I've never been to Club Med. Where can I get more information ?
Visit the Club Med web site at or call 1-800-Club-Med. You'll need a passport. Ask your doctor if you need any immunizations. Club Med will send you a detailed packet of information when you make your reservation. Please feel free to email me if you have any additional questions.


For information, email byrneerica @ yahoo dot com